Supporting mental health month - Subtly Anxious

Supporting mental health month

Did you know that 45% of people in Australia will face a mental health condition in their lifetime? However, most will not seek support.

October is a very special month for us at Subtly Anxious because it is Mental Health Awareness month, when we aim to shine a light on the importance of mental wellbeing and helping a hand to those facing mental health challenges. 

This year, we're excited to announce that we'll be leveraging our platform (with all 1600 followers on Instagram yay) for a cause that resonates deeply with us. We're teaming up with Beyond Blue, a renowned charity dedicated to providing mental health supports to people across the world.

At Subtly Anxious, part of our mission has been to create more conversations to reduce the stigma of mental health but also understand better the mental health disorders, so that we can find strategies and tools to cope. So it's only fitting that every purchase from us, we'll be donating $2 from every purchase to Beyond Blue. But to amplify our impact, we will match each of the proceeds ourselves by the end of the month. 

Every dollar raised will go towards funding Beyond Blue's Support Service. When someone feels alone or overwhelmed, or like they don’t know what to do next – no matter who they are, where they live, or what time of day it is – it’s vital that they know Beyond Blue is there for them.

We've always believed in the power of community and we're hoping that you wear your ring as a symbol of solidarity, and hope that we can reduce the stigma of mental health and mental health disorders, and be able to ask for help.

No one should ever have to face a mental health challenge alone. 

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