World Autism Awareness Week 27 March - 2 April. Do you recognise the signs? - Subtly Anxious

World Autism Awareness Week 27 March - 2 April. Do you recognise the signs?

Many adults are unaware they are on the autism spectrum. 

According to Autism Awareness Australia, there are a number of signs: 

  • Feeling as if you do not fit in, especially with groups of people, friends, co-workers and even family
  • Difficulty reading between the lines
  • Taking things literally
  • Feeling highly sensitive to the environment (e.g. a dislike of shopping centres because they have bright lights and are very noisy)
  • A strong sense of justice
  • Extreme levels of empathy
  • Feeling overwhelmed by world events
  • Too-strong attention to detail
  • Difficulty with regulating emotions
  • A dislike of small talk and office chit-chat
  • Appearing blunt or direct in conversation
  • Feeling like an alien or outsider, that you were born in the wrong era
  • Feeling like people do not understand or ‘get’ you
  • Difficulty with communication and knowing what to say in a conversation
  • Becoming mute and highly anxious in social situations
  • Feeling you have missed out on receiving the ‘handbook’ of social expectations, understanding the ‘hidden curriculum’
  • Being naïve, easily manipulated or fooled
  • Feeling animals understand you better than people
  • Rather spend more time alone or doing activities by yourself
  • Getting overwhelmed in large social situations (e.g. Christmas and birthday parties)
  • Rather work alone than in a group
  • Feeling lonely and alienated by society.

Obtaining a formal diagnosis can be validating and help understand how to deal with certain situations. 

What can you do to support the upcoming World Autism Week?

Here's 10 ways to show your support for World Autism Week, including supporting people with sensory needs.


Subtly Anxious does not provide health or medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Any information published on this website or by Subtly Anxious is not intended to be a replacement for health or medical advice. 

If you're based in Australia, 24-hour support is available through Lifeline on 13 11 14 or beyondblue on 1300 22 4636.


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